Re-visit, re-focus, re-fit.

Open to all our existing clients who have previously had a fit with Jon at 73 Degrees / Pedalling Perfection

Bike Fit MOT

  • New Goals

    Have your goals changed since you visited last? Maybe you want to ride further, or faster? We can reassess your position and make changes required to help you achieve those goals.

  • Update to the latest version of you

    People change over time. Feet change shape, bodies get more or less mobile, we gain and lose weight, we get stronger or weaker. Life is a roller coaster! Likewise, the bike fit needs to stay up-to-date with the body.

  • New Tech

    Over the past 6 years working with 73 Degrees we’ve built on our services rapidly. The biggest change is now Pedalling Perfection is an independent company, which has allowed us to invest thousands in new tooling, software, and services. As an add-on to the “MOT” you can add on Saddle Pressure Mapping and Heat Moulded Insoles.

  • Check for wear

    Saddles distort, seat posts slip, cleats wear, shoes degrade, and pedals become loose.

    Much like a bike service or a car MOT we will run through an checklist inspection of the key contact points.