Off-Road fitting at Pedalling Perfection is Unique

1. Mountain bikes aren't road bikes. So they shouldn't fit like them. So many objections we heard when pitching the idea of bike fits for mtb were almost fearful of traditional bike fitters protocols. We want to show you what's best and help you test it. Not follow a formula or a folklore. We test for functional solutions. Everyone changes their tune when they realised we want to make a leap forward in bike fit for MTBs and not just follow the status quo.

2. Mountain biking is dynamic and the best parts are usually when standing up. We need to test how the bike feels in terms of balance and stability when the saddle is down and the trails get steep.  We had to figure out a way to do this. 


3.  Variables are sometimes opposing. This is why bike fit for MTB is so complex. Our goal is to optimise what we can and test the compromises for the use-specific variables. Some variables are absolute, others are better for descending and others for climbing. We're here to optimise the absolutes and help you decide your priorities for the rest.  

  • Gradients

    We test your position on multiple gradients for optimal body positioning. The goal is to allow your body to absorb stresses and control the bike efficiently

  • World Class Input

    Pedalling Perfection’s MTB protocols have been developed through discussions and testing with some of the UK's top mountain bikers. From world-class racers to ultra-distance bikepackers.

  • MTB Sizing

    MTB fit can be used to figure out what size bike to purchase. We have a dedicated jig for testing frame size, dropper post length, crank length etc.